i'm now in school doing the stupid homework. lols.
kays maybe these few days i feel wierd, i dun know why.
anyways i'm not gonna care about it anymore ya..
Whee PATRINE is the first to celebrate my birthday with me!! yaye my dance partner!
we went to orchard cineplex.. watched night at the museum2.
oh hahas then i was holding the popcorn, then dun know why my hand suddenly let go..
then popcorn pour on dance partner.. oops, sorry:p
actually there are some bad memories there. which happened during my birthday last year too
(last year's 13 friday)
but she managed to clear me of my memories while we're there.
thanks:D dance partner love ya.

oh, ytd went to weiting hse. do what? do homework. siam right.
cant imagine i'm so guai:P
hahas, later 12 plus meeting dancers go bugis:)
tired ue know, everyday come back to organise camp.
just hope that this will be like syf.
after a hard days work came nice memories:) Gold with Honours leh!!
jiayous dancers!! loves.
holiday is like so god damn boring?!
hope my mum later night will let me out of the hse to ball:P haha
then shuang finally can go out again at night.
but after that jiu must stay at home le, cause i until now dun have one full day stay at home.HAHA
bitches are bitches. you cant change bitches. bastards too :)
hais, actualy wasn't feeling good the last few days cause some things happen, but i;m now okay le! forgive and forget. yes. :D
and i promise not to bad mouth other people after my birthday..
must mature abit:) HAHA.
oh ya one thing that i forgot,
oh great and i failed english again-.- chex