haha. i'm at my friends house now.. i believe most of ue think that 2009 became more troublesome than before?? hahas.. classes might be okay during the sec3 camp and now everyone become a little wierd to ue once again? haha. i can tell ue its okay as long as serious conflicts dun happen :D
as for my class, ue wun believe it. we made history in ytss. as our english teacher went to his reservist, homeworks and tests clashed.. haha. but i admit its also our class's fault. dun ue think so?? in the end, some of our classmates need to carry their desks and chairs to the parade square. haha :p but some did not had the courage to admit their fault.. hais.. we nearly had to whole class stay back until 7pm somemore. but ms chin helped us.. thanks ms chin..
okays, after that our class seems to be disliked my teachers?? haha. cause we everytime forget bring this forget do that.
but this time really.. hmm.. mrs ong came to our class.. 3e4 should knw what happened. but i believed its not his/her fault :D so cheer up..
hope our class will get better in term2??
3e4 jiayous.. i never regretted in choosing this class:)
and for dance trainings.. its really getting tougher and tougher.. but everyone must hang on! ther's only one month left! not to say that there is extensive 3days train next next week lahs.. haha. yesterday tio pump.. hais.. never mind treat it as napfa training!! haha.
come on everybody, i believe we can all do it!! :D and please leave a tag ppl -.-