heys! oh my god. this morning the baby at my hse woke me up-.-
then i wanted to move but i can't, cause i'm aching all over!
thanks to ytd's dance training.
it's like damn so tiring.
and hey juniors, we all dun wanna scold ue all either, but just follow the rules ks??
it's the tradition;D
oh btw, thanks to all the people who wished me happy birthday!
love ue all lots;DD
so ytd me and my clique went to eat sakae sushi after my training
florence told me the correct pronunciation was sa-ky-ae. hahas.
okays, the way we order the food was so hilarious and we were like laughing all the way:D
there was a part when we wanted to order the seaweed udon.
jy help me order. but she pointed to her own bowl (half-eaten?)
then when my order came the bowl was like so much smaller then theirs.
ks, i realise i say until very luan:P
after that went play ball with them.
finally, i long time din play with them le:)
reached home about 9plus
oh and while i was waiting for them in the afternoon, saw someone. b**t**d. what the f***?
he dun know say what to his stead and his stead stare at me leh! wa lao!!
b**** la. stare. idiot. please lahs, no one wants your stead lo. wake up girl:)
oh and they bought me tis for present:DD
the necklace and fbt and bun:)
love you people!! and always:DD