I'm Just Me
hellos. for ur info, if ue don't know me, i'm actually the one in the left. and tats my dance partner. hehees
My name is Gek Hwee.
can call me YuHui if you don't know how to pronounce it :D
Yishun Town Sec i love danceDANCEdance
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I Love My Clique
#01 Vivian
#02 Jiayu
#03 Gekhwee
#04 Weiting

Eugenie 'DARDAR
Florence 'AIIAII
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25 Nov 2oo8hahas, just nw at home yao bored until die liao. finali now at jiayu's hse..on the way see vivian, haha so happy to see her but i dun knw why.. lol right??wahh, i dance until bone want break liao lor ytd. i dun knw wan sit straight or curve a bit.cause all also very the pain.. nvm everybody must jiayous for SYF wors!!24 Nov 2008so many thoughts i that 37 mins, i realise tat friends are the most important.. (especially my clique). without friends i wuld be in despair. that was what i felt. i felt hopeless. i was blurred, sad. i didn't believe they wuld do such a thing. But iwas too flustered tat i didn't realise tat the typig wasn't theirs -.-lll it was someone else. I cried. A friendship tat has lasted for two years., and the times we had spent together. The art of friendship? trust, true, love. to the loved ones in my clique::#01 VivianSry tat i've mistaken you. i shuld have tot it wasn't ue lors.. and sry to troube ue at times..Thank ue for always standing by me and giving help.. a help tat i've always appreciated.rmb tat day we went to bugis and i wanted to exchaned the thing? You helped me and i will always rmb it. I'll also rmb the card :" walking with you in the dark, is better than walking with you in the light.."#02 JiayuSorry tat i nearly mistaken ue also. cause i knw ue wun say tis the rite?/hahas, eh but i reali xia dao can? walao think my haert skip a beat liao lors.. oh, and sry tat time i keep saying ue pian me go vivo, actuali i only saying for fun ^^thank you for reassuring me: ' relax luh, nothing one lah"^^ and ue knw wad? no matter wad happens, ue will always be there.. cheering me up and jiayou-ing me.#03 Weitingsry lehs, but i knw tat last msg is ue send de. hahasya, thank you for being my "star" on my nighty dark days, lighting me through.I LOVE MY CLIQUE AND NO ONE"S GONNA BREAK TIS FRIENDSHIP.to all: sry if i've shown attitude when i'm angry or something, but thank you for being my friends! back to the bad. wtf even if i'm a bitch, ye lun bu dao ni lai shuo hua.even if im a bitch, ye bu ying gai guan ni pi shi ba. wo de zui ni ah? pls lah, stop thinking tat ue r the best can? and stop intruding into my friendship. get lost and stay out of me life. pls. im poite to say pls.FRIENDSHIP.TRUST.LOVE.CARE.BEING THERE.22 Nov 2008 todae ytss school open hse.Funnywoots! well done! another stage tat belonged to us.er,.. ue get wad i mean??20 Nov 2008went to vivo with dance partner!!think will be up loading the pics soon! ^^
todae went to school again to practise dance.yayes!!! we finally cheoreographed finish the steps!hahas, so happy. ue knw a nt??then went to patrine's hse. okays we ate laksa in kfc just nw..but the kfc auntie never say anything lehs?aiya heck care. then emalia buy otah go there eat.yijun buy kfc meal..hahas and once again thanks to vivian who help me put the pics inside! :D
yoo...hooo...hais.. tis few caes preparing ferr open hse dance..then at home lehhs???aiya dun sae le even more pek cek can.OH!! and for ur imformation..,I'm being posted to 3E4 next year. But I'll always pop in to 3E5,cause my clique is there!!! I love my clique!!!hahas,.. ya larhs and cnt forget my beloved dancers like yijun and florence.and to everyone... gd luck in finding things to do for ur holidaes as its a long one..and there seems to be like nothing to do.. :)OHOHOH!!!Vivian helped me change blogskin!!Thanks Vivian!! ily!!!
25 Nov 2oo8hahas, just nw at home yao bored until die liao. finali now at jiayu's hse..on the way see vivian, haha so happy to see her but i dun knw why.. lol right??wahh, i dance until bone want break liao lor ytd. i dun knw wan sit straight or curve a bit.cause all also very the pain.. nvm everybody must jiayous for SYF wors!!24 Nov 2008so many thoughts i that 37 mins, i realise tat friends are the most important.. (especially my clique). without friends i wuld be in despair. that was what i felt. i felt hopeless. i was blurred, sad. i didn't believe they wuld do such a thing. But iwas too flustered tat i didn't realise tat the typig wasn't theirs -.-lll it was someone else. I cried. A friendship tat has lasted for two years., and the times we had spent together. The art of friendship? trust, true, love. to the loved ones in my clique::#01 VivianSry tat i've mistaken you. i shuld have tot it wasn't ue lors.. and sry to troube ue at times..Thank ue for always standing by me and giving help.. a help tat i've always appreciated.rmb tat day we went to bugis and i wanted to exchaned the thing? You helped me and i will always rmb it. I'll also rmb the card :" walking with you in the dark, is better than walking with you in the light.."#02 JiayuSorry tat i nearly mistaken ue also. cause i knw ue wun say tis the rite?/hahas, eh but i reali xia dao can? walao think my haert skip a beat liao lors.. oh, and sry tat time i keep saying ue pian me go vivo, actuali i only saying for fun ^^thank you for reassuring me: ' relax luh, nothing one lah"^^ and ue knw wad? no matter wad happens, ue will always be there.. cheering me up and jiayou-ing me.#03 Weitingsry lehs, but i knw tat last msg is ue send de. hahasya, thank you for being my "star" on my nighty dark days, lighting me through.I LOVE MY CLIQUE AND NO ONE"S GONNA BREAK TIS FRIENDSHIP.to all: sry if i've shown attitude when i'm angry or something, but thank you for being my friends! back to the bad. wtf even if i'm a bitch, ye lun bu dao ni lai shuo hua.even if im a bitch, ye bu ying gai guan ni pi shi ba. wo de zui ni ah? pls lah, stop thinking tat ue r the best can? and stop intruding into my friendship. get lost and stay out of me life. pls. im poite to say pls.FRIENDSHIP.TRUST.LOVE.CARE.BEING THERE.22 Nov 2008 todae ytss school open hse.Funnywoots! well done! another stage tat belonged to us.er,.. ue get wad i mean??20 Nov 2008went to vivo with dance partner!!think will be up loading the pics soon! ^^
todae went to school again to practise dance.yayes!!! we finally cheoreographed finish the steps!hahas, so happy. ue knw a nt??then went to patrine's hse. okays we ate laksa in kfc just nw..but the kfc auntie never say anything lehs?aiya heck care. then emalia buy otah go there eat.yijun buy kfc meal..hahas and once again thanks to vivian who help me put the pics inside! :D
yoo...hooo...hais.. tis few caes preparing ferr open hse dance..then at home lehhs???aiya dun sae le even more pek cek can.OH!! and for ur imformation..,I'm being posted to 3E4 next year. But I'll always pop in to 3E5,cause my clique is there!!! I love my clique!!!hahas,.. ya larhs and cnt forget my beloved dancers like yijun and florence.and to everyone... gd luck in finding things to do for ur holidaes as its a long one..and there seems to be like nothing to do.. :)OHOHOH!!!Vivian helped me change blogskin!!Thanks Vivian!! ily!!!