I'm Just Me
hellos. for ur info, if ue don't know me, i'm actually the one in the left. and tats my dance partner. hehees
My name is Gek Hwee.
can call me YuHui if you don't know how to pronounce it :D
Yishun Town Sec i love danceDANCEdance
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I Love My Clique
#01 Vivian
#02 Jiayu
#03 Gekhwee
#04 Weiting

Eugenie 'DARDAR
Florence 'AIIAII
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lols.. i've never been like updating this blog for years-.-anyways, i'm finally glad that everything is over.no more performances till next year:Pwent to the doctor on 7sept.then she say my backbone become better le!!haha, so go damn happy can:D finally is like everythings going well enough:)then ytd 8sept went to orchard with my clique:D very fun but my legs like going to break like that can:(today came to school for chinese remedial. and saw primary school friend on bus:Plater going east coast for class bbq:)our first class outing, yayes:DDhope everyone will have fun later!!:DDD
     POSTED 20JUNE heys! oh my god. this morning the baby at my hse woke me up-.- then i wanted to move but i can't, cause i'm aching all over! thanks to ytd's dance training. it's like damn so tiring. and hey juniors, we all dun wanna scold ue all either, but just follow the rules ks?? it's the tradition;D oh btw, thanks to all the people who wished me happy birthday! love ue all lots;DD so ytd me and my clique went to eat sakae sushi after my training florence told me the correct pronunciation was sa-ky-ae. hahas. okays, the way we order the food was so hilarious and we were like laughing all the way:D there was a part when we wanted to order the seaweed udon. jy help me order. but she pointed to her own bowl (half-eaten?) then when my order came the bowl was like so much smaller then theirs. ks, i realise i say until very luan:P after that went play ball with them. finally, i long time din play with them le:) reached home about 9plus oh and while i was waiting for them in the afternoon, saw someone. b**t**d. what the f***? he dun know say what to his stead and his stead stare at me leh! wa lao!! b**** la. stare. idiot. please lahs, no one wants your stead lo. wake up girl:) oh and they bought me tis for present:DD the necklace and fbt and bun:) love you people!! and always:DD
POSTED 10JUNE09Hey peoples!! THREE 3 more days to my birthday! hahas.
i'm now in school doing the stupid homework. lols. kays maybe these few days i feel wierd, i dun know why. anyways i'm not gonna care about it anymore ya.. Whee PATRINE is the first to celebrate my birthday with me!! yaye my dance partner! we went to orchard cineplex.. watched night at the museum2. oh hahas then i was holding the popcorn, then dun know why my hand suddenly let go.. then popcorn pour on dance partner.. oops, sorry:p actually there are some bad memories there. which happened during my birthday last year too (last year's 13 friday) but she managed to clear me of my memories while we're there. thanks:D dance partner love ya.   oh, ytd went to weiting hse. do what? do homework. siam right. cant imagine i'm so guai:P hahas, later 12 plus meeting dancers go bugis:) tired ue know, everyday come back to organise camp. just hope that this will be like syf. after a hard days work came nice memories:) Gold with Honours leh!! jiayous dancers!! loves. holiday is like so god damn boring?! hope my mum later night will let me out of the hse to ball:P haha then shuang finally can go out again at night. but after that jiu must stay at home le, cause i until now dun have one full day stay at home.HAHA
bitches are bitches. you cant change bitches. bastards too :) hais, actualy wasn't feeling good the last few days cause some things happen, but i;m now okay le! forgive and forget. yes. :D and i promise not to bad mouth other people after my birthday.. must mature abit:) HAHA.
oh ya one thing that i forgot, oh great and i failed english again-.- chex
lols.. i can't believe people said that about me.its like so damn lame and i seem to have did nothing guilty about that.okay, whatever.i dun give a damn.hais, another day of dance training..super tired.legs almost spilt apart. pain pain and pain. but it's wprth it i guess.."seh lo! deng tai lo!" at the top of our voices..i managed to scream. haha.how gay is that??hahas, but its fun too. and instructor say we improve:]must jiayous orh everyone!! we can do it!!oh.. and seniors going to step down le.. i will miss ue all. surely, especially lijun and qianwen.its so fun dancing with ue all at syf:]sian sian sian.. i'm still as sian as ever. sigh..oh and i top up my prepaid le!! so shuang:]hahas!!LOVES:]
lol.. i'm now in school -.- doing the podcast project.. hahas.. and completing the english compo.. anyways,, my class is like so damn noisy can?? :P oh and it reminded me that i failed my english E8.. not bad right?? it's the second time having that type of score le.. aiya.. later going to dinner myself.. so sian cause mummy not at home D: nowadays in school so feel like sleeping lahs.. haha, yesterday they had their napfa.. but i din do. cause going to have SYF!! must take care of ourselves. then after that me, pearlin, dickson, liwei and shangyan walk to interchange together. haha!! then me and dickson trick liwei say we biological bro and sis. he believe leh!! haha but anyways, he found out this morning -.- thought that he will believe for a very long time luh.. it's so boring staying in school.. i am bored bored bored. just bored. hehe just now ms chin came in. i xia dao. hahs:)
kks.. going already:) byes!! love 3E4!! :D
 hi people!! feeling great from yesterday's ytss speech day?? cause i am!! damn feeling good, cause yesterday chinese dance did well!! woo hoo!! i love dance!! :D  hahas, morning met funnywoots at 10.30.. sounds quite early right?? haha but everything was well planned and we saw liang lao shi as we were coming to school.. suay rights??
 my kai xin guo :)  i loook like i'm a wierdo... .JPG) aii aii !! i love her so much :)  my sweetheart :)  another picture with her :)  liang lao shi helping me adjust my hair accessory. lol.  after the performance :) we had fun!! sang the ytss this year's theme song too:) "new frontiers, infinite possibilties"  kaishan!! so cute right!! :) haha!! anyways i really had fun.. and yesterday's makeup was also better than the cny one :) we put on fake eyelashes too :) yaye!! thats all for today!! bye bye!! love dance!!
i'm sorry if your comp is really lagging... cause there are too many pictures.. hehes ^^ haha!! finally a chance where i can go out with my clique!! love my clique man!! ^^ btw the pics are in the upside down manner so.... hahas. :D sentosa!!! this is the pic that me and vivian took last year.... ^^  haha!! there are so many jiayu s.  and so many me and vivian too :)  taking a reflection in the vivo toilet..  er hurphm...   jiayu being emo?? haha, no lah she's enjoying her biscuit.. nice los.. :)  me and weiting ...    she's complaining tat i dun show my teeth when i smile :D   something's wrong with her :P  this is weiting's eyes btw... look so innocent.         me and vivian's hearts.    she's ignoring me... :'(      hahas. of course i love vivian and jiayu too :D  this was actually the first pic we took tat day.. a good start :)  haha ding heng!! tat day me and my parents brought him to bugis haha. he so cute right?? hahs. :DD
 hais.. holiday going to over le.. must again study study study... Sian!!! oh ya and we finally went through 3days of ordeal in dance haha!! and one more month to SYF... D-A-N-C-E-R-S!! dancers dancers we are the best!!! jiayous everyone!!! LOVES!! :DDD
lols.. i've never been like updating this blog for years-.-anyways, i'm finally glad that everything is over.no more performances till next year:Pwent to the doctor on 7sept.then she say my backbone become better le!!haha, so go damn happy can:D finally is like everythings going well enough:)then ytd 8sept went to orchard with my clique:D very fun but my legs like going to break like that can:(today came to school for chinese remedial. and saw primary school friend on bus:Plater going east coast for class bbq:)our first class outing, yayes:DDhope everyone will have fun later!!:DDD
     POSTED 20JUNE heys! oh my god. this morning the baby at my hse woke me up-.- then i wanted to move but i can't, cause i'm aching all over! thanks to ytd's dance training. it's like damn so tiring. and hey juniors, we all dun wanna scold ue all either, but just follow the rules ks?? it's the tradition;D oh btw, thanks to all the people who wished me happy birthday! love ue all lots;DD so ytd me and my clique went to eat sakae sushi after my training florence told me the correct pronunciation was sa-ky-ae. hahas. okays, the way we order the food was so hilarious and we were like laughing all the way:D there was a part when we wanted to order the seaweed udon. jy help me order. but she pointed to her own bowl (half-eaten?) then when my order came the bowl was like so much smaller then theirs. ks, i realise i say until very luan:P after that went play ball with them. finally, i long time din play with them le:) reached home about 9plus oh and while i was waiting for them in the afternoon, saw someone. b**t**d. what the f***? he dun know say what to his stead and his stead stare at me leh! wa lao!! b**** la. stare. idiot. please lahs, no one wants your stead lo. wake up girl:) oh and they bought me tis for present:DD the necklace and fbt and bun:) love you people!! and always:DD
POSTED 10JUNE09Hey peoples!! THREE 3 more days to my birthday! hahas.
i'm now in school doing the stupid homework. lols. kays maybe these few days i feel wierd, i dun know why. anyways i'm not gonna care about it anymore ya.. Whee PATRINE is the first to celebrate my birthday with me!! yaye my dance partner! we went to orchard cineplex.. watched night at the museum2. oh hahas then i was holding the popcorn, then dun know why my hand suddenly let go.. then popcorn pour on dance partner.. oops, sorry:p actually there are some bad memories there. which happened during my birthday last year too (last year's 13 friday) but she managed to clear me of my memories while we're there. thanks:D dance partner love ya.   oh, ytd went to weiting hse. do what? do homework. siam right. cant imagine i'm so guai:P hahas, later 12 plus meeting dancers go bugis:) tired ue know, everyday come back to organise camp. just hope that this will be like syf. after a hard days work came nice memories:) Gold with Honours leh!! jiayous dancers!! loves. holiday is like so god damn boring?! hope my mum later night will let me out of the hse to ball:P haha then shuang finally can go out again at night. but after that jiu must stay at home le, cause i until now dun have one full day stay at home.HAHA
bitches are bitches. you cant change bitches. bastards too :) hais, actualy wasn't feeling good the last few days cause some things happen, but i;m now okay le! forgive and forget. yes. :D and i promise not to bad mouth other people after my birthday.. must mature abit:) HAHA.
oh ya one thing that i forgot, oh great and i failed english again-.- chex
lols.. i can't believe people said that about me.its like so damn lame and i seem to have did nothing guilty about that.okay, whatever.i dun give a damn.hais, another day of dance training..super tired.legs almost spilt apart. pain pain and pain. but it's wprth it i guess.."seh lo! deng tai lo!" at the top of our voices..i managed to scream. haha.how gay is that??hahas, but its fun too. and instructor say we improve:]must jiayous orh everyone!! we can do it!!oh.. and seniors going to step down le.. i will miss ue all. surely, especially lijun and qianwen.its so fun dancing with ue all at syf:]sian sian sian.. i'm still as sian as ever. sigh..oh and i top up my prepaid le!! so shuang:]hahas!!LOVES:]
lol.. i'm now in school -.- doing the podcast project.. hahas.. and completing the english compo.. anyways,, my class is like so damn noisy can?? :P oh and it reminded me that i failed my english E8.. not bad right?? it's the second time having that type of score le.. aiya.. later going to dinner myself.. so sian cause mummy not at home D: nowadays in school so feel like sleeping lahs.. haha, yesterday they had their napfa.. but i din do. cause going to have SYF!! must take care of ourselves. then after that me, pearlin, dickson, liwei and shangyan walk to interchange together. haha!! then me and dickson trick liwei say we biological bro and sis. he believe leh!! haha but anyways, he found out this morning -.- thought that he will believe for a very long time luh.. it's so boring staying in school.. i am bored bored bored. just bored. hehe just now ms chin came in. i xia dao. hahs:)
kks.. going already:) byes!! love 3E4!! :D
 hi people!! feeling great from yesterday's ytss speech day?? cause i am!! damn feeling good, cause yesterday chinese dance did well!! woo hoo!! i love dance!! :D  hahas, morning met funnywoots at 10.30.. sounds quite early right?? haha but everything was well planned and we saw liang lao shi as we were coming to school.. suay rights??
 my kai xin guo :)  i loook like i'm a wierdo... .JPG) aii aii !! i love her so much :)  my sweetheart :)  another picture with her :)  liang lao shi helping me adjust my hair accessory. lol.  after the performance :) we had fun!! sang the ytss this year's theme song too:) "new frontiers, infinite possibilties"  kaishan!! so cute right!! :) haha!! anyways i really had fun.. and yesterday's makeup was also better than the cny one :) we put on fake eyelashes too :) yaye!! thats all for today!! bye bye!! love dance!!
i'm sorry if your comp is really lagging... cause there are too many pictures.. hehes ^^ haha!! finally a chance where i can go out with my clique!! love my clique man!! ^^ btw the pics are in the upside down manner so.... hahas. :D sentosa!!! this is the pic that me and vivian took last year.... ^^  haha!! there are so many jiayu s.  and so many me and vivian too :)  taking a reflection in the vivo toilet..  er hurphm...   jiayu being emo?? haha, no lah she's enjoying her biscuit.. nice los.. :)  me and weiting ...    she's complaining tat i dun show my teeth when i smile :D   something's wrong with her :P  this is weiting's eyes btw... look so innocent.         me and vivian's hearts.    she's ignoring me... :'(      hahas. of course i love vivian and jiayu too :D  this was actually the first pic we took tat day.. a good start :)  haha ding heng!! tat day me and my parents brought him to bugis haha. he so cute right?? hahs. :DD
 hais.. holiday going to over le.. must again study study study... Sian!!! oh ya and we finally went through 3days of ordeal in dance haha!! and one more month to SYF... D-A-N-C-E-R-S!! dancers dancers we are the best!!! jiayous everyone!!! LOVES!! :DDD